This practice uses a ‘Recall and Reminder’ system to provide preventive care for its patients, to follow up abnormal or significant test results, to manage patients with chronic disease, and to ensure important health checks are not forgotten and are performed.
This will assist the practice in ensuring that important health checks are not forgotten and are performed on time, as well as ensuring that significant results are discussed. We will use information from your health record to tell us when appropriate check-ups or tests are due. By allowing us to send you a reminder letter, you will help us to detect serious conditions early and to monitor and manage known conditions. This can significantly improve the long-term outcome for you.
Our doctors follow the guidelines for preventive care as outlined in the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners’ Guidelines for Preventive Activities in General Practice. The guidelines are in line with the recommendations of organisations such as the National Health and Medical Research Council, the National Heart Foundation and others.
If you elect not to be part of our recall and reminder system, please complete the form below, and a note will be made in your file.
Even when you agree to be included in the Recall and Reminder system, you should remember when you should be tested for certain conditions and should always contact your doctor to get the results of a test that has been performed.
We may not always be able to reach you, especially if you have moved and the contact information on your record has not been updated.